Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday Stamps II - 111

Hello from the American Midwest!  Running a little late today.

Our theme this week for Sunday Stamps is outer space.  I have two stamps that I have shared before (but they fit the theme so perfectly!), one from the USSR and and one from Russia.

One of my favorites, showing two cosmonauts in a scary-small capsule.  This stamp is from the early 1980's I believe.

A more recent stamp:

Of Valentina Tereshkova, first woman to have flown in space (in June 1963). This stamp is for the 50th anniversary of that flight.  Her call sign was Chaika  or "seagull" therefore the bird appears on this stamp.

Please visit SeeitonaPostcard and see who else is playing.

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday Stamps II 110

Hello from the American Midwest!
Today for Sunday Stamps I have a book and author with one of the most important contributions from the 1800's:

Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species", on a stamp from Italy.

Please check out SeeitonaPostcard and see who else is contributing!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday Stamps II 108

Hello from the cold American Midwest and welcome to my contribution to Sunday Stamps.
This week's theme is Winter white.  It's hard to find a mostly white stamp, so instead I have chosen a set of US recent stamps, featuring snow and winter birds.

According to the US Postal Service:
"The Songbirds in Snow stamps each features one of four birds: the golden-crowned kinglet, the cedar waxwing, the northern cardinal, and the red-breasted nuthatch. Illustrator Robert Giusti painted the original designs in acrylic on canvas board, depicting each bird perched on a snow-covered branch. He and the art director chose these four birds for their color, attractiveness, and adaptability to the small format of a postage stamp.

The cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) gets its name from its favorite winter food, cedar berries, and the red, waxy tips of some of its wing feathers. One of the few North American birds that thrives on a diet of mostly fruits, the cedar waxwing also consumes the winter fruits of juniper, mistletoe, and crabapple.

A spot of bright red against the white of a snowy tree branch signals the presence of a northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), one of winter’s most colorful and beautiful birds. Cardinals usually appear in pairs but can gather in small flocks during the winter to forage for food.

The red-breasted nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), with its distinctive call like a tiny toy horn, prepares well for the season by caching conifer seeds, its preferred winter food. Stashed in cracks and openings in tree bark, the seeds are collected by the bird as it walks headfirst down the trunk."

I like that they have included the cedar waxwing, my favorite bird.

Please visit  See It on a Postcard to see who else is playing!



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