Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sunday Stamps # 148

It is the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend here in the USA.  I will pause and be thankful for my many blessings, though around me many will be indulging in rampant consumerism.

The theme this week is unusually shaped or oversized stamps (by suggestion)
My contribution is just a little oversized.

This stamp is a painting by a Czech artist, and is a Czech stamp, but shows a scene in Montmartre Paris, in 1856.
Theme next week:  Christmas or holiday stamps.
Theme after that: More holiday stamps.  Let's space these out.
Linky tools is not working at the moment.  I am going to publish this post and try again early Sunday morning to get it set up.  In the meantime, you may leave your link in the comments section.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sunday Stamps # 147

Brr!  It's cold, and a few snow flurries are coming down from the sky.  Are you out there, Sunday Stampers?  Good, let's get going.

Today's theme is singers.  I remember the time I had Music as a theme and I learned about Fado, about which I knew nothing.  I am looking forward to learning more this week.

I have two stamps to share from the US Postal Service.

The amazing Ray Charles, and

The Man in Black, Johnny Cash.

These scans are from the USPS, as I don't have these stamps actually in hand.  I plan on ordering them soon.  I also plan on ordering some controversial stamps!  More on that in a few weeks.

Theme next week: unusually shaped or oversized stamps (by suggestion)
Theme two weeks from now: Christmas or holiday stamps.

Please link in below with your contribution.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunday Stamps # 146

Hello, how are you?  Good I hope.  Are you here for Sunday Stamps?  Me too!  Let's get started.

Our theme this week is bo-o-o-o-ring stamps.  Dull, everyday issues. ( I think this is by suggestion.) But, maybe they will be new to someone visiting this blog this week.

First: a stamp from the USA that we used so many times over the last 5 years to pay bills and send correspondence.  And it came in to us, many times.

You could buy this in booklets or rolls of 100 stamps.  It's still available too.  It's really too bad that a symbol of American Independence becomes boring, and essentially not noticed anymore.
Here is another one:
I have been a member of Postcrossing for a long time, exchanging many postcards, including almost 180 from the Netherlands.  Many of them have this stamp on them. It is a good stamp, but boring over time.

Come and join me, if you are not too bored by this post!  Share your everyday issues.  I hope to see a Machin or two!


Theme next week: Singers.
Theme two weeks from now: unusually shaped or oversized stamps (by suggestion)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunday Stamps # 145

Hello again, Saturday night! It must be time for my Sunday Stamps Post.

I was struggling with our scanner today but I do have a stamp scanned for this week's theme: Ships and boats of all sorts.

This stamp is from South Korea and is celebrating the 60th anniversary of something... having to do with the navy.  Anyway, great detail in this stamp!!

We haven't had this theme before so let's see who will join me with interesting stamps this week.  As for next week, it's the opposite of interesting.

Theme next week:  B-o-o-o-r-ing stamps.
Theme two weeks from now: Singers.

Thank you for your suggestions.  I will try to use them as soon as I get some of those stamps via Postcrossing.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sunday Stamps # 144

Hello again after a week away. My conference was very busy, as I had anticipated.  This morning I raked lots of leaves, and this early evening rain came down and knocked down so many leaves, it looked as if I hadn't done anything.  Ah well, that is Fall!

Time for Sunday Stamps!  I hope I have not lost you, with a week off!

Our theme this week is the Arctic or Antarctic.  I am sharing a stamp from Latvia today.

This stamps shows an Emperor Penguin and a small chick.  More information on this species can be found at the Wikipedia entry.  Why they are on a Latvian stamp, I haven't a clue.

Please join me this week with a polar stamp - I do hope you have one.

Theme next week:  Ships and boats of all sorts.

Theme two weeks from now: ???? Help me Sunday Stampers, I need some suggestions!



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