Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sunday Stamps #9

This week the theme is children's artwork on stamps.  Above is a stamp from the Soviet Union (vintage by definition!) with the kind of artwork I mean.  This seems to be a common enough theme across different countries.  I wish I could read the Russian in this stamp!
Below:  I think this yellow creature is a favorite of millions and millions of children.  This came to me on a recent Postcrossing postcard.  Hello Pikachu!  And this stamp is issued for the Japan World Stamp Exhibition, to be held July 28 – August 2, 2011 in Yokohama.
 The USA has issued Disney stamps in the past.  I just don't happen to have any right now.   I'm looking forward to the stamps this week's participants will share.

Join in, and take a moment to visit the other participants this week.  I am posting a little early, in a slight lull while the children seem to be behaving.

Theme next week:  Anything you wish.  Maybe you have Mardi Gras or Carnivale stamps?


Postcardy said...

Russian translation (from Google):

дружба мир
международный год ребенка

friendship of the world
international year of the child

Christine H. said...

I love that Soviet Union stamp. I am eagerly awaiting the industrial design stamps that USPS is supposed to issue this summer. They're the only ones that really caught my eye for this year.

I still have to figure out how Postcardy did that translation. I know about the Google translator, but somehow you have to be able to type in the letters. I have lots of Japanese stuff I 'd like to translate.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

I do love children's art but I couldn't find any examples. I have a vague recollection that children designed Royal Mails' Christmas stamps one year, and that they were very attractive.

To answer Christine's question about inputting the characters, there are several online keyboards that do the job for you. I've used the Russian ones quite often but not very easy to choose the characters sometimes. On investigation, there is a Japanese one at

Bob Scotney said...

The Russian stamp is great. Thanks for the translation.

I've spent hours today searching for more stamps but have come up with nothing.

You will have me searching the local flea market next!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Sorry to hear our other pals had difficulty finding for this week. I had fun looking for mine! Your Russian stamp is awesome.

Postcards Crossing

Joy said...

The Pitachu stamp is so much fun.

Dorincard said...

Nice! I think MIR means PEACE. :)

Aimee Dars said...

I wasn't organized enough to make it to the list, but I was inspired by your theme!

Love the two stamps you featured. Pikachu is one of my favorite characters!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I hope after what happen to Japan, the World Stamp Exhibition is still on.
I want to invite you to join us every Wednesday at Postcard Perfect. Thanks!


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