Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Stamps: Western Hemisphere

 Good day and welcome to my blog.

I was at a professional conference last week, and could not blog.  But I am back again, on a warm day in the American Midwest.

The theme this week is stamps from the Western Hemisphere.  North and South - that is set by the equator.  East and West - that is set by the prime meridian of longitude, and that was set by Great Britain back in the day.

Anyhow.  I have a stamp from a postcard sent by traveling friends, and it continues the Caribbean theme:

A nice harbor scene from the Cayman Islands.  Probably hot there today!  And I believe they were affected by the last big hurricane.

Visit SeeitonaPostcard for more entries.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at



violet s said...

Lucky friends to be in the Caymans, and lucky you to have received a postcard ;)

Joy said...

Lovely stamp, I like the pastel blue, all quiet on the waterfront.

Lisa said...

That is a pretty pastel stamp. Even if it's hot, at least you can dip into the water!

roentare said...

It looks very elegant

Mail Adventures said...

Pretty contribution. And I don't see stamps from there often, let alone get one!


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