Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday stamps: Northern Hemisphere

 Good Day, and welcome to my stamp blog.  It is a nice sunny day in the American Midwest, blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

It's time for Sunday Stamps.  We are going to take a trip around the world, starting with the northern hemisphere.  I have few stamps from France, host of the Olympics, starting soon.  But I do have this, shared once before:

Stamps from Spain, showing national parks and flora and fauna.

Visit SeeitonaPostcard for more entries.

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violet s said...

Oh my! The colour of the water in each view!!

Lisa said...

Those are nice. A pretty crocus, I am guessing. I didn't realize Spain had wolves. I see they are Iberian wolves. I lived in Spain for a bit, but not where they are. I probably have more of a chance seeing wolves in OR. Actually, I do see them, some locals have them as "pets." Bad idea.

viridian said...

Wolves as 'pets'? no no no!

Joy said...

Beautiful views with the wolf looking suitably scary.

Mail Adventures said...

This series about natural parks is one of my favourites.
I don't believe in Spain anybody has a pet wolf!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Love the Spanish national park stamps! The flora and fauna are so vibrant and that lake is just magnificent. The Iberian wolf on the stamp is also amazing. It's great to see them featured since they're an endangered species.

Gearing Up for the Games


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