Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Stamps: Minerals & Gems

 Good day, and welcome to my blog.  It is a cloudy Sunday and about 33 F here in the American Midwest.  Later today will be the Superbowl for American football, but more importantly (to me), it's time for Sunday Stamps.

Our theme today is minerals and/or gems, a favorite theme of mine.  Here are some I last shared in 2011:

From the left: Uranium ore, quartz, aragonite, and malachite, on stamps from Benin.   I must have purchased these in a grouping from a stamp dealer, maybe off Ebay.  I never received a postcard from Benin when I was in Postcrossing.

Visit SeeitonaPostcard for more entries.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at



FinnBadger said...

These are so interesting. I've never heard of aragonite - it's weird looking!

Lisa said...

I like their shape. Quartz is pretty in any color crystal.

violet s said...

This is such a pretty set. At one time I was in love with malachite and have several pieces of jewellery with it. Then I found out it is toxic, so now they sit in a box.

roentare said...

Interesting to see minerals included on stamps

Mail Adventures said...

The colour of malachite is a favourite. Actually, all these minerals must be fascinating in person.
I've never got mail from Benin either.

Joy said...

Attractive and interesting. I would be very excited indeed in the unlikely event of post from Benin.


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