Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday Stamps: Christmas

 Good day, and welcome to my blog.

It's a cold crisp day in the American Midwest, and it's the Christmas season.  So it must be time to share Christmas stamps.

The UP Postal Service always issues a religious (usually a Madonna and Child image) stamp and a secular stamp or stamp set.  I am sharing both today.  Scans are from the USPS.

And the secular stamp set.  FinnBadger has already shared the poinsettia stamp.  Here is the whole set.

A great way to spread holiday cheer.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Visit SeeitonaPostcard for more entries.

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at



FinnBadger said...

USPS showed the holiday joy stamps in a very nice way on the envelopes.

Lisa said...

I received a Christmas card with one of the ornament stamps. They are very pretty. I had to use ordinary stamps, my post office was out of holiday ones. Small post office. I avoid the larger one nearby. It's crowded and once sent a package meant for Georgia, USA to Guam.

violet s said...

The ornaments stamps are so pretty. I wonder how popular the religious stamps are? They are usually so calm looking.

Joy said...

Nice to have a choice of secular or religious. Both are lovely.

Mail Adventures said...

I have got those (sent by Finnbadger), and they look very nice on stamps!


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