Thursday, April 23, 2009

Postcrossing: PFF

This is a Postcrossing postcard from Riga, Latvia, that came with some beautiful stamps. This photograph is called "Painters" by Gvido Kajons.


Marie Reed said...

What an unusual card! I enlarged it for the full effect:) She's dancing on her desk! I hope that she doesn't step with her bare foot on a pencil! Ouch!

Beth Niquette said...

How very beautiful! As an artist, I have to say this postcard makes me feel happy! Happy Pff!

Anonymous said...

Interesting image... Looks like the lady, sitting with the hat on, is well protected from any possible insect attacks!

Eddy said...

It's a nice picture on yhis postcard, very beautiful, realy.Thanks.
Happy PFF

ilyani said...

I love the photo! :) Happy PFF!

MuseSwings said...

I thought that was Michael Jackson for just a second. I like the picture better now that I know it's not him. Happy PFF!

Four-eyed-missy said...

The woman with a pretty hat is oblivious to the dancing of the artist :)

Happy PFF.

Postcards Crossing

Margo said...

How interesting and provocative. Something about the photo demands to be studied. Happy PFF!

Aimee said...

The lady with the hat on is quite interesting! Nice postcard!

Chandy said...

New to your blog and this meme!

What a cute postcard!

Master said...

Hello from Pakistan!
Happy Postcard Friendship Friday!!!

I want to swap a postcard with world UNESCO heritage site from your country. Can you send me one such card?
In return I can send you a nice postcard with beautiful landscape from Pakistan - which I think will be a great addition in your collection?

You can leave me a comment at

We can also make a blog link exchange if you are interested....

Best Regards
Yours Cheema

Postcardy said...

This is very unusual. I thought it looked like Michael Jackson too.

Judith Richards Shubert said...

A beautiful card! Do you think the lady in the hat is wearing it and what looks like netting to shield her from dropped paint? The lady dancing on her workspace just might step in her paint! Happy PFF!

Terry said...

I love your post card !
It has brought on an Audrey Hephburn moment for me so I must be off to create or perhaps find a quiet place to read with my mosquitto netting to protect me so I can ignore the world as I read and imagine far off lands of long ago.
Have a blessed weekend.

viridian said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. I am glad to have inspired you Terry! I wish now I had taken a better scan. According to the sender, the lady in black is Jeva Iltrere (?) and the lady in the hat is writer Gundega Repre (? hard to read her handwriting). Gundega is reading "Kunst, Europa".

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Sorry I missed this on Friday. It's a lovely card, so unusual.


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