Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Stamps: Mountains

 Good Day, and welcome to my blog.  It promises to be a warm humid day in the American Midwest, wtih thunderstorms this evening.

It's time for Sunday Stamps, and the theme is mountains.  I am sharing one of the Ansel Adams stamps that were just released as a set of 16 by the US Postal Service.  Issued May 15,2024.

This is Half Dome, in Yosemite, and the scan is from the USPS.  As is the grouping below:

Ansel Adams worked in black and white, I think exclusively.  I have always liked his images.

Visit SeeitonaPostcard for more entries!

I have a page on Facebook: keep up with my infrequent quilt and stamp posts at



Lisa said...

Yes, his photos are stunning. I think it's because they are black and white. Half Dome is something to see. Actually, the valley before you come down into is, both Half Dome and El Capitan are in view. No wonder it's so crowded in the summer!

violet s said...

I do like seeing old photos without people crowding in.

Joy said...

Adams was a genius his photographs always have the wow factor.

Mail Adventures said...

I usually prefer colour stamps, but these seem very appealing. Maybe I get one of them!

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

FinnBadger said...

I'm looking forward to using these on envelopes soon!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Hi Viridian,
It's so exciting to see your blog is still up and running! I'd love to rejoin the community.
I was actually a contributor here before, using my two blogs, "Postcards Crossing" and "The Stamp Menagerie." Life got busy for a while and I had to take a break from blogging, but I'm finally dusting off the cobwebs and getting back into it.

The good news is, even though I wasn't blogging, I never stopped sending postcards and snail mail! I'm definitely planning to join the upcoming Sunday Stamps edition. Looking forward to connecting again!

In the Company of Me


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