Saturday, July 28, 2018

Sepia Saturday July 28

I was cruising by Sepia Saturday today and saw this week's prompt, and thought, I bet I could find something related at the Library of Congress website.  The website has been reorganized, but I cam across this image:

Part of the illustration for a book, "The settler's guide in the United States and British North American provinces"  etc. etc.  (There is much more to the title as was done in the 1800's.)
I cannot make out the name of the ship, just that it is 600 feet long.  And one can see it is from that transitional time period from sail to steam.

Visit Sepia Saturday and see who else has joined in!



Barbara Rogers said...

Glad you found this photo, which reminds me how sails billow out before the wind, and smoke goes the same the boat goes forward.

Mike Brubaker said...

It's the Great Eastern, a British sailing steamship with an iron hull. It was built in 1858 by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and at the time the largest ship ever built. It was in fact 692 feet long with a a beam of 82 feet. It used both sails, side paddles, and screw propeller . It was taken out of service in 1889. It's a fantastic example of British engineering and shipbuilding. The image is not how the ship usually looked when underway as after the trial run of the Great Eastern they discovered that the smoke from the steam boilers could set the sails afire!

More at:

Molly's Canopy said...

Interesting looking transitional ship. The name looks like Omkat Kantern, but it's hard to make out. Congrats on finding such a unique ship to fit the prompt!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say the same as Molly and then I see that Mike has the scoop on this steamship. I never know what I will see or learn each week!

ScotSue said...

The power of one photograph - it is a lovely print and the book it is from sounds a fascinating volume. Thank you, Mike, for an informative comment.


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